‘Class Matters’ Review: The American Dream as Nightmare

By Joseph Epstein

As Churchill said that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others,” so one might say that capitalism is the worst form of economic organization except for all the others. Steve Fraser, author of “Class Matters: The Strange Career of an American Delusio......

A Most Successful Failure

By Joseph Epstein

‘The true paradises,’ wrote Proust, “are the paradises that we have lost.” F. Scott Fitzgerald would have enthusiastically seconded the motion. In his short life (1896-1940), Fitzgerald had come rather to specialize in lost paradises. His first novel, published when he was 23, ......

Fall of an Empire Through a Family’s Eyes

By Joseph Epstein

The best novels, with only a small number of notable exceptions—“Don Quixote,” “In Search of Lost Time,” “Ulysses”—have been family novels. “War and Peace,” “Anna Karenina,” “The Brothers Karamazov,” “My Antonia,” “The Brothers Ashkenazi,” “Buddenbrooks,” “Joseph and His Brothe......